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Noemie C.11年级级长
在学年结束时, I will be leaving this place I have called home for the past three years. 我要去一个叫蒙特利尔的大城市. I will be living there on my own, leaving my hometown and this small town. I will not lie to you: being on my very own for the first time in a big city like Montreal without my parents brings me a lot of concerns. 我能管理好我的公寓吗? 我能找到路吗? 这些问题我在斯坦斯特德都不会问自己.  
我在这里度过了人生中最美好的三年, 但我觉得是时候向前看了. 虽然这些巨大的变化让我有点害怕, 我期待着更大的事情, 新朋友, 新的冒险. 一切都是命中注定的. 
Sometimes things happen for a reason, whether you have wished for it or not. I am a strong believer in destiny and how things or events will come to you at the right moment, 每件事的发生都有原因. 来ManBet手机客户端本来不在我的计划之中, but I believe destiny brought me here as I needed change in my life. 
三年前,我走了一条不同的道路来到这里. 我抛下了几乎所有的东西,开始了新的冒险. 边境上大学 helped me grow as an individual, and I learned a lot about myself in many aspects. 我走出了自己的舒适区, and I had to overcome challenging moments and situations way more than I thought I would, 比如现在的演讲. 
Remember this: you don’t always choose situations that will happen to you, but you can always choose the way you’ll react to those situations. My dad would always tell me to control what I can control and leave the rest to do itself. What matters is how I manage the situations and how I choose to react to what is presented before me. 回顾, 我意识到我过去三年的所作所为, 我所做的决定, 我遇到的人, all of this had an impact on my path and brought me where I am today. 是的, 我相信命运, 但我也相信你的行为方式, who you want to become and what you show to others will influence how people see you as an individual and, 最终, 它将如何影响你的未来. 机会就会向你走来,成为你新的命运. 
I’m going to close here and leave you with a few thoughts my parents would tell me: 
  • Do not be afraid to get out your comfort zone, that is how you’ll grow. 
  • 你今天所做的选择将塑造你的未来. 
  • 挑战带来新机遇. 
  • 最后,你是自己命运的创造者. 